Problems can occur when the mod is updated and you had the previous version of the mod installed in your savegame.
When starting a new game with this mod, or adding it to your save game for the first time, everything should work fine (no reported issues). Building the story normally happens when you start a new game or add a mod to an existing save game. In order for the changes in the story script to take effect, the game needs to build the story for your save game. Whenever I add new armor options to this mod, I need to change the dialog (the part that shows you the options) and a story script (the part that spawns the stuff into player inventory). * Redfaction Ranger (for Human Male and Female) * Redfaction Priest (for Human Male and Female) * Redfaction Inquisitor (for Human Male and Female / a single piece robe for all) * Redfaction Grunt (for Human Male / Helmet also for Female) * Paladin Warlock (for Human Male and Female) * Paladin Ranger (for Human Male and Female) * Paladin Priest (for Human Male and Female)
* Origin (Red Prince, Beast, Sebille, Lohse, Fane, Ifan) (Finesse / Intelligence / Strength) * Blackring Witch (for Human Female) (Finesse / Intelligence) * Ataraxian (for Undead Human Male and Female) CURRENTLY INCLUDED VISUALS(meatbag versions have the same visuals for undead also, and vice versa, but some may have clipping issues):